BEURS VAN AMSTERDAM KM MAANDAG 4 JANUARI 1971 tfis+s» #3,S+5a /4+IOst [70/8 NDELEN NK-, KREDIET- EN VERZ.WEZEN vorige k openingsk 76.8 77.5 237.5-238 239 53.5-53.7 54 40* 40* 59*-59.3 60.2 865*-866.5 872 865 872 5 189.6-189 8 190,5 5 196-196.3 198.5 94 94 72.7 73.5 58.6 58.6 162-163 156 143.6-143.8 144.3 91 5 93 5 73.9 930 290 294 46.7*-46.8§ 46.1 221 221.5 169.5 170 81.1 83.5 88.5-88.7 89.2 19.6 19.85 18.96 19.05 1 e tijdvak 77.5-77.6§ 239 ICTIEVE AANDELEN p. boek). 4.00 akzo 20 f'7 algem. bank nadert. f 3.20 amsterd.-rotterd. bank ƒ20 amaterd. rubber dell-mlj. eert. 75 dordtache pert. mij. dordtsche petr. mij. 7 pr. heineken's bel. en beh. a 25 heineken's bierbrouwerij f 25 holland-amerika lijn hoogovens n.r.cert 20 h.v.a.-maatschappijen kon. luchtvaart mij f 7.25 tl1/» kon. ned. petrol, mij 20 kon. ned. stoomb mij nat. bez. f2+2591 nat. nederl. eert. ƒ10 ommeren (v) n.r.cert philips' gl.lamp.gem.bez. ƒ10 S2+2J* robeco (rott. bel. cons 50 ÏO/2+i5,/iiDt rolinco 50 f6 50 scheepvaart unie nederl. 50 1+0.73 unllever eert. 20 claimt, scrips en stockdiv. hein. bib 10 hein. bier 10#/« deze koerslljrt zijn opgenomen de offioléle noteringen, meegedeeld door de Vereenlglng ectenhandel, van alle fondsen die tot notering zijn gekomen Ven de zg. actieve aandelen die ge worden In zeven tijdvakken zijn alle noteringen opgenomen. Indien voor de overige fondsen de tweede periode een notering Ie tot stand gekomen is deze eveneens vermeld, voorzover betreft 2e tijdvak 3e tijdvak 4e tijdvak 77.4*-77.8§ 77.8-77.9§ 77.9-78§ 5e tijdvak 6e tijdvak 7e tijdvak 60.4-60 5 875 94 5 73,5 73.5-73.8§ 156-157 144.2*-144.5§ 144.4*-4.6§ 93.5 292§ 46.1-46.2 170 221.5 83*-83.2 89.3-89.7 46*-46.2§ 221.5 170 60.3-60.7 874.5-875 198.3 73.6-73.8 104 3*-144.6§ 93-93.5 290 45.9-46 2§ 221.5 169.8-170 83-83.5 190.9 198.5-19' 73.8 77.8-77.9 54.6§ 60.7-60.8 190.2-191 198-198.3 77.9-78§ 239 144.2*-144.5§ 143.4-143.6§ 54.6 93.5§ 73.5-73.7§ 60.6 870 45.7*-45.9 45.8 221.5 221.5 170 170 198-98.1 83.4 89.7-89.8 89.3 73.8 58.6 19.09 78§ 158-159 159 239 1433*-4.2§ 143.3*-143.5§ 54.6-54.8 738 73.3-73.4 60 3-600 290 869 45.7*-45.8 45.7*-45.8 221.5 221.5 170 170 - 83 5-83.7 94 89.4-89.7 89.3 73.7-73.8 aandelen In de rubrieken bank-, krediet- en verzekeringewezen, aandelen In de rubriek handel, dustrle en diversen; mijnbouw en petroleum en scheepvaart; Canada en da Ver. St. Verklaring der tekens: d ex dlv.; c ex claim; gedaan en bieden; x laten; gedaan en laten; b bieden; notering In guldens; a ex splitsing; et ex stock: h herkepltalleatledlvldend. amev -1170 118 amfas 82.5 83 83 80.4 80 80.5 bk&ass.ass 82.5 82.2 822 bank.onr.zk. 346.5 cultuurbk 107.5 107.5 107* delta verz. 83.9 838 e.n.nillmij 136.8 137 137 kasassoc 66,1 kasass.crt 58 58b t— mendes g 282 nat.inv.bk 90.50 nod.crd.bk 37 37 37 ned midd.b. 96 96 96 rott.disc.5cp 96 96b slavenb.a 208 209 209 slevenb.crt 208 209 209 POTHEEKBANKEN NEDERLAND fr.gron. 350 355x 850 westl.-utr. 192.50189 NDEL, INDUSTRIE EN DIVERSEN a.c.f. 200.5 203.5 alb.heijn ƒ201475 147.5 147.5 alg.h.o.g. 152 152 1 52.5 alg.vr.lmp. 156 156 156 <40 amalga 56.4 58.2 57.5 t amst.goed 110 amst.drdok 115.2 115.1 amst.dr.5cv 115 amst.rijtuig 135.2 1 35.5 aniem el 43 1 aniem pwd 83 aniem nb 50 61* 63* aniem nbet 57.20 60 j— arnh.sch.b 124 arnh.sch.ct 124 124 124 as8elberg 106 106 aut.scr.w 111 110.50 111 autor'dam 208 207.50 auto rd ct 206 207* 'Aoffsto*ba||.ned. 73.80 73 bat.aann. 425 429 429 batava 97 96* batenburg 194 195 195 beek.a.l.var 87 94* beers zonen 18.50 317.80 317.8 befo 136 1 36 212.5 begemann 111 109 bensdorp 245 245 bergh.jlOOa 10 211* bergh.jgr.e 211 212.50* bergh5} cpr bergoss <136 135x 135* berkel pat 175 176 175.5 berkel ert 172 176 bernet 160 163 blljdwlll 100 43 blijdw 1000 47 49 49 +1O9 boerdruk 285 279 3 60 bols 134.20 1 34 borawehry 157.50 1 borswehet 154 165 10* braatbouw 247 246 248 brakke gr 21.20 brerovastg 185.50 190.50 t— brero vg ct brerover.b brero.vb.ct 40 buhrm.tett 40 burhm.t.ct >+4* bijenk.beh 5+4s bijenk.b.ct 5 bijenk6cpr 1 bljenk6pct calvé celvé nrc 2 calvé 6cpr 2 calvé 6pct 22 c.sulker 22 c.8uiknm 22 c.sulker ert chamotte chamot 5pr 181.5 185 399 490 402 69 20 399 490 402 69 10 75 74 740 68/9 10 75 74 69 16+203 335 336 336 69 15 335 335 68 8 75.3 76.8 69 15 75 75.8 610 69 7.8 .18 621* 69 16 126 126b 13 126 126b 69 6 401 396 398 69 4 09 12 401 396 398 120 130b ra/9 8 120 125b 69/9 8 69 f 4 cindu 69 5 crane ned 69 4 crane n4cp 69 7+iOs cur(ceteco) 69 7+10» curhandnrc es/6 3+s* dagra 55 7 deli-atjeh 69 f 8 delimaatsch ®/70 f a desseaux 68 8 dikkers 89 17 domus 69 10 dorp en co dr.overljs.h droge diepenbr.r. d.r.u.crt duiker 69 6 69 26 65 10 69 /3+56st 69 /3+56st 69/70 14 69 9 69 15 69/0.4+3et 65 6 69 8 67 7 67 7 69 4.20 69 34 69/6 67/8 10 69 9 69 9 09 5.40 69 5.40 68 10 68 10 68 10 69/70 6 68 6' 69 f2.2+5s 69 /2.2+Se 69 10 09 11oF7}a 68/9 /4.4/20 69 7 69 6 69 6 69/5.2+f0 49 6 GS 18 69 9 69 f4 69 13} 69 12 69 15 69 21 89 12 69/4 69/4 69 7+10st 69 /3.6+10 69/70 13 67.2 108.5 108.5 57 167.5 169.5 167.5 169.5 139 139.5 101 101 50.5 48.5 49 63 61X 152.5 153.5 131 130 130 132 600 600 125 125.9 108.5 189.9 61 130 elsevier el8evier ert emba enkes enot erdal eurazhand europe hot figee figee ert fokker ford auto furnesa gazeile gelder zn gelderpr 429.8 429.6 167 151 218 171 138 50.2 850 86 217 112.6 112.6 417 416-8 172* 156 225b 400x - 138 138 54§ 850b 85.9 217.5 112.6 112.6 gelderl.tiel 84.20 85 geid.tlel.crt 84.20 85 gero naam 142 gero nb 95 gero nb ert 94.50 93 gerzon 6cpr 125 125* gi66sen 115 117 gist broc 84.50 84.50 gist broc ct 84.50 86 goudemlt 106.50109.50 grasso 158 162.50 grinten ƒ20259 262.20 grofsmed 90 88 gruyterpra 81.50 gruyter prb 91.50 hagemeyer 111.80113 halberg 66 65.50 hatéma.tex. 141 hat.5pr wd 87 hattum 75 hellingman 227 145 87 76 227 219 218 85.9 218 112.5 85 85 140 87.5 67 3 09 S+Sst 69 2.50 69 9 69 f9 59 /3 2+4st 68 10 69/70 10 69 10 67 6 69 25 69 15+5st 56 6 69/3.80 69 6+2at 69 17 69 1.80 68 16 69 12} 69 3.60 69 13 69 12+3* 69 25 69 10 69 14+5* 69 14+5* 69 8 151 618 123 hero heybroek 152 hoeks m.z. 608 holee 122 holl.beton 72 71.50 70.50 holl.melks 241.20 242 homburg 89.90 90.50 hoogenb. 165.50 165 218 151 122 71.5 65/8 10 69 7 69/13 69 10 69/18 hoogenstr. hooimeljer Ihc.holland indu8tr.m(J l.b.kondor interlas Inter.muller inter.gew.b inventum jean heybr jongeneei kemo kemp.beg. keyhout keyht.ocpr kiene kloos kluwer kon.ned.pap k.ned.text.u korensch koudijs 62.60 62.50 09.80 109 220 219 215 216* 82 50 180 365 364 50 286 170* 88.50 242* 63 219 180 367 50 286 60.50 160* 66 66 160* 260 260 260 93.50 98 201.50 203 175.20 175.50 219 219 120 125* 144 144 26 50 27 356 132 131.50 98 204 175 219.9 125 144 27 1325 f4 99/70 11 69/70 7 krasnapls. k.v.t. k.v.t.prwd 8+5* kwatta '0 landré gl. 7013 leld.wo! f '4 lindetjacob lindt.j.crt 14 lindet kl lintbeheer lips-gispen lijempf lijm-gel ert lijm-gel rb macintosh maintz matubel meelfabr. meesbouw metaverpa meteoor molukae mulder mijnb.werk naarden naard}d70 riaeff nedap nederhorst ned.bontw ned.dagbl.u ned.hulstel n.springst. nelle nelle ert netam nleaf nieaf ert nierstrasz n.hol.expl. id.6 cpr norit nutricia nutricia v.b. nyma nyma ert nijv.t.cate ogem ogem nb orenstein oving 49 50b 135.50135 135 81 80 80 133 133 133 140 140 180 182.50 173 173.8 174 174 170 172 10 306 58.8 306 1 58.8 58.8 125 122 122 100 81.2 81.8 81 6 147 148 - 178 180 196 197 193 75 75 276 276 295 290.2 294 21.4 - 66 65.7 65.8 102 103 1 305 87 85 85 184 180 172 173x 59 59.80 126.50126-80 163 173 59.4 69 10 69 15 69 6 69 6 69 5.20 69 12+S* 89 12+5st 60 6 60 6 69 5 69 5 99/5 69 20 89 15 69 15 54 4 69 /2 60+4 pakhoed 69 /2.60+ 4 pakhoed c 69 6 palembang 60 10 920 152 302 310 310 300 306 - 108 108.50 109.5 95 96 115.50 116 116b 150 152b 100 100 - 104 105.50 - 337 345 345 337 345 345 50.50 28.10 30.20* ,30.1* 61 64.50 84.20 84.80 84.8 oving ert 69 11 69 1.90 69 1.90 69 15 69 7.8 palthe parkhotel philips pont.kht pnt h.6cpr 62 2+4* poorter 66 5 porcel.fl reesink reeuwijk rhein kohl riva riva ert rohte jlsk rommenn. ruhaak 84.8 233 237 238 194 194x 195.2 196x 8.1 68 68.5 68.5 68 68.5 68.5 61.5 63 63 500 500x z 46.5 1 46 45.1 162.5 163.5 163.5 90 92 92 170 170 170 120 122 122 347 348 349 129 130 130b 144 142.20 285 284 284 114 110.50 111 66 175 205 200 200 204 185 83 82 82 670 670 125 124.80 68/9 3 acholt.'hon 47 45.8 69 12 schuitemn 203 203 203b 69/70 10 schuppen 189 69 5 schuttersv 100 100 101.8 69 14 wit 248 245 69 14 sim.d.w.crt 248 245 69,70 7 simons.emb 80.20 82 83 56 8 soerabaja 24.50 24.50 25§ 66 5 stokvis 114.80114.50 115 66 5 stokvis ert 113 111.20 113.5 S9 6+10* st.twenthe 84 83.50 84* 69 9 synres 193.50 66 6 tab.phiiips 66 67 66 6 tab.philopr 61 54 10 tandj.prlok 8 69 8 tech.mar 131 130 131 69 18 techn.unie 301 302 303 69 21.50 techn.u.wb 295 69 6 tilb.walerl. 274 274 68 7 trlcobest 69.8 70 70.5 68 7 tricob.crt 75 - 69 24 twentsekab 452 455 458* 63 13 ubbink.d. 108 105* 106* 66 6 udenhout 105.1 107 107.5 68/9 10 unikap 91 92 95b ®S.43+0.73 unllever 88.4 - 09 5 43+o.73unilever ert 88.5 89.9 89.3 707 ld. 7 Cpr 87 707 id ct 7 cpr 88 90b 70 6 id 6 cpr 78 78* 69 4 ld 4 cpr 51 50.50 69 4 4 cpr 52 52.50 69 8 69 8 69/70 8 utermöhlen 272 v.d. vliet w. 106 veneco veneta 271.50 271.5 109 82.50 84.50 112 112 116 ver.glas 150.50 69 9 ver.glas nb 152 153 153 86 6 ver.h.schev 41 40*d 88 f 12 ver.mach. 68 68.50 60.5 id.crt 68 &P5 ver.n.kleer 35 4+4st ver.n.uitg. 69 /1.40 ver.touw ver.touw ct 35 118.50119 115* 18.50 18 122 123 120 117 68 5 vezelverw. 63 63 69/H vih'amij.butt. 153 162* 162 69 6 vredestein 380 69 6 vredest.ct 8924 v.r.g pap 592 503 594 58 '0 vufcaan 115 117 118 61 7 waveren 52 52 52.5 99 2.76+2 wegener.a 75.3 75.6 1 69 20 wereldhav. 432 440* 445* ra /3.60 wessanen 68 60.5 68.3 ra/70 10 weesem 122 123 124 ra/9 20.1 west.sulker 360 68/9 10 wyers 105 106 108.5 68/9 10 wyers ert 102 102 106 68 6 wijkheringa 65.5 66.5 68.5 ra 5 zaalberg 72 72.5§ 156 ^5-20 156 sanders 2 j ort 65 50st schev6nexp 16.50 16.80 16.8 89 15 schokbeton 15' '52 68/9 12 scholtcart 160 162 DEPOTFR.BEW. NEDERL 500 omnlum.a5 2500 omnium.oa 157 omnium.ob 147 rubbermij 11 z.afr.goud 248 240 PARTICIPATIEBEWIJZEN alq fondsl 97.5 97.5 am.fifty 927 925 am.funo 204 204 convertoP/s 156 156 41.5b 590 convertol 80 goldmin1/5 111 goldmlnl 555 hbb b.d.1/5 158 780 113 565 155d hbb-b.d.1-2 790 775d hollfundl /5 117.50 118 hollfundl 587 590 hollfundl 0 5870 5900 interbonds 590 590 350 350 rentefonds 745 745 VASTGOEDFONDSEN ned.vastg. 484.50 MET MOG. HYP. b.bel vastg. 112 113 id.}d70 108.20 109.10 breevast67 98.50 94 AAND. BELEGG.MIJEN amstb mij 137 137.50 133.50 133.50 eng-holl1e 57 eng-holl2e 54 hambro id d.71/72 Ika mij be b. nefo obam 86.70 86.90 82.70 82.90 160 160 65.9 66.5* 400 403 protector 119.5 119.5 rolinco6}cp 82 uni.invest 60.5 61.2 unitas 79.5 80 5 utillco 120.5 120.2 wabo 235 SURINAME EN ANTILLEN Int.techn 11.85 11-9 lev.cap-h 15.3 15.4 pac.seab tokyo cap 18.7 18.65 15.35 15.2 DUITSLAND adlropal adlropa5 36 adlropal 0 180 atlantlcfds 259 258 concentra 290 290 ZUID-AFRIKA am.s.afr.lnv 41 AUSTRALIË i.p.c.austr 590 CANADA can.inv.fd 4.05 4.1b canafund 57 57 6.2 6.5 VERENIGDE STATEN abacus boston chann.sp. col growth dreyfusl dreyfuslO fidelity fd fid.cap.fd fd invest.mut japan fund lehman madisor. manhattan massachus oppenhelm philad.fd sigma steadman technology 6.6 unit corp value line wellington CONVERT. OBLIGATIES akzo69 43 76.50 78.50 amalga8l 107.10 109.50 amro5} 89.50 89.70 bk-omr.z7 1 09.50 berghpap4} 96 60 96.60b bergos6j 76.50 berkelpat5 90 borsweh3j §2.20 92.70 breda orjb7 102.80 103 dr.overtJ4l 8920 89.20 elsevier7 J 125 125 gelderzn4j 83.80 90 geld.tlel8j 103 107.70 glst.broc5i 96 98 grassoöj 92.50 92 grintenö} 115.50115.50 hoek'aSj 112 115* holec7 J 102.5 hombura6} 149 hoogov5j 78 europal 41.4 41.3 europal 0 414 413 fondak fondls fondra tresora 400 unlfonds5 116 unlfonds20 460 30.50 32.10 72 115 460 ENGELAND tru8t.bk.ins 306 trust.b 765 FRANKRIJK france.lnv 72 LUXEMBURG eurlnvl 66.50 66.50 eurinvest5 32.50 332.50 eurinvest25-662.50 1662.50 eurunlonl 123 123 eurunionIO 1230 1230 financ.unIO 45 348 interitalia 420 420 10.60 10.20 valeuropl 67.40 67.40 valeuroplO 674 674 valeurop25 685 1685 ZWITSERLAND unlversall 90 90 unlver8aI10 900 900 14.8 7.5 7.5 5 5.2 1.75 1.85 18.5 18.8 5.4 5.15 12.15 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 16.3 16.3 11.4 11.75 23.75 24 8 8.5 8.75 9.5 18.5 18.25 18.25 18.75 5 5 13.7 14.2 7.5 7.55 12 9.75 10 2.75 1.75 6.6 6.8 8.8 5.9 5.9 96 9.8 abn708 abn sp66 abn sp67 abn sp68 abn 6p69 alg mijliqS 8lgmijliq4j SURINAME EN ANTILLEN tyco int5 42 BANK-, KREDIET- EN VERZEKERINGSWEZEN abn70 8i 104.2 104.2 101.5 101.7 132.5 132.5 119 119 114 114 108.7 108.7 1.5 0.5 amro69 8j 105.1 105.5 amro69 8 102.75 103.25 amro70 8 103 102.75 amro sp67 128 128* autofln64 6 79.5 79.2 autofin63 5 75 75 aufln55/6 4} 85 85 avlsta60 5 75 avista56 4} 84 avi8ta55 4 86 bkbouw65 6 71.3 bkbouw63 5 75.5 bk.mees8 103 bng70 8l 102. bng70 8 104. bng57 100 6 89 bng57 500 6 89 bng52 2 4j 70 bng rsp52 200 bng rs?57kl 199 bng rsp57gr199 bng rsp58kl 154 bng rsD58gr154 bngrsp59c 147. bngrsp59d 134. bng rsp59e 125 bng62 1 rsp 135. bng62 2rsp 135. bnq62 3rsp 121. bng64rsp 134 bng65rsp 1 bng66 1 rsp 129.' bng66 2rsp 128. 79.3 79.5 83.3 83.3 84b 124 87 Indolaöj indola5 lnterlaS6} 93 Inventum5 84 kempbeg4j 80 kluweröj 124 k.l.m.53 85 Iisp-gisp5 103 meelfabr6} 96.5 96.5x m.bouw4} 85 85 meteoor5j 135 nederhorst5 86 n.d u 6! 93 n.mid.bk6; 96 nijv.t.cateS 91.60 91.60z ommeren5j 160 phlllps6i 99 9900 phllips4j 90.50 90.30 pont k.ht5j 89 proost.b4j 188 uitgel- 188 rolin k6} 83.50 roling g6} 88.50 88.50 ruhaak4 85 schokbet3ï 92 8chuitenV7{ 102.60 103 smitnljm6 79.70 79.70 stokvls4j 91.70 tilbwat5l 90 92 ver.glas7 119 118.50 ver.mach6} 84 vlhamijö 96.50 viham.but8ll12.50 wyersöj 84.50 84.50 102.5 2 50 4 70 195x 152b 152b 7.50147.50 4.50 1 34.50 126 5.10135.10 5.50 135.70 1.60121.60 134 9.50 129.50 9.70 129.70 3.85 128.90 bng66 3rsp 122 122b bng67 rspl 117 117 bng67rsp2 116 80 116.30 bng67rsp3 113 113.50 bng67rsp4 112 50 112.50 bng67rsp5 110 50 11 bngR7rsp6 109.70110 bng68rsp1 111 111 bng68rsp2 106 50 106 50b bng68rsp3 111.50 111 50 bng68r6p4 06 105 80 bng68rsp5 14 50114 bng69rsp4 103 70106.70 bnq69rsD5 106 106 bk oz64 5j 82 bk 07 wbaa 59.90 bk oz wbab 182 bec.fin7 82 expfln66 7l 97 60 mavlc56 4l 100.6 100.6 mavic55/6 4 80 mdlcr62 4i 76.1 n.m.kt66 7 96.15 96.8 n.m.kr66 6? 96.6 96.5 96 55 89 99 77 64 69 102 45 102.30 91.80 91.50 92.60 83 83.50 77 70 70b 101.80 101.60 102.20 102 40 101.10 100.50 105 1 05 30 90.50 85 10 85.20 101 101.30 86 75 73 79 6} n.m.kr65 5} natbrg61 4} natborg 4 natcred 3} natinv 8} notlnv 71 natinv 5 3 natinv 4j ned.b.inst.5 ned.binst.4 n.mldd.b.8j nd.midd b.8 nd.ontw 8} nd.ontw66 7 nd.ontw64 6 n.water8.8j nemafi 4l rijnl.dlsc 5 voor8ch62 5 voor8ch A\ PREMIELENINGEN alkmaar 2 61.55 61 55 adm.c.a33 3 1 25.05 126 adm.c.a.gr3 120 adm.w51 2\ 63.75 63.75 adm.gr51 2\ 53 57.60 adm 56 1 2i 64 90 64.90 adm.56 2 2} 71.25 71.75 adm.56 3 2j 60.50 70 adm.59 2j 64 64.30 b.l.g.69 5 95 breda 54 2J 61.45 62.95 dordt.56 2j 64 45 64 elndh54 2j 61 64 eindh54g 2\ 57 59b enach54 2} 60.75 60.75 ensch54q2l 57 59b 'sgr.52 1 2i 72.55 72 60§ 'agr.52 2 2\ 73 73.95 62.95 r'dm52 1 2j 76 76 r'dm52 2 2j 74.95 75.95 ^57 2} 71.95 72 utr.52 kl 2l 102 101.95 utr.52 gr 2j 85 86.5 z.holl57 2i 71 71.55 z.holl59 2 72.45 72.5 LUCHT- EN SCHEEPV. kim 7 89.4 89.5 k.l.m. 5 92.5 93b k.l.m.43 90.5 91 k.l.m. 4i 96 96 obligaties 102,8 102.8 102.5 102.5 102.5 102,4 102 102,5 100,8 10105§ 103,7 103,7 102,7 102,6 101,5 101,5 62 1000 4 76.8 76.7 1 53 ƒ1000 3 1 74.6 74.8 gr.t>oek3i 55 47 1000 3} 66.45 66 45 51 1000 3} 92.7 92.9 81.8 79.85 66.5 69.7 i 70.4 69.9 86.2 83.5 836 90.5 53 1000 3} 81.5 56 1000 3 79.6 48 1000 31 66.5 bel eert 3j 63.5 50 1000 31 69.7 54 1000 3J 69.9 551 1000 31 70 55 2 1000 31 76 9 gr boek 3 44 37 f 1000.3 46 gr.bk 3 47 1000 3 90.1 belol 000 2j 99 belc 10000 99.5 gr.boek 2} 37 ned.lnd37a3 93.5 inschrgb.3 80.8 BANK NED. GEMEENTEN bng won 10 105.9 bng70/90 8l 105.25 105.35 bng70/35 8j 102.95103.1 bng70/95 8} 03.3 103.4 bng70/78 8l 102 7 102 95 id2 70/78 81 102.6 102 9 bng70/85 81 101.6 101 9 bng70/96Sj 100.75 101.4 bng69/78 8 101.3 101.5 bng 69 18 100 100.2 bng 69 2 8 100.1 100.3 bng70/76 8 100.9 101 37 93.4 bng 57 gr6 91.5 91.5 bng 65 1 6 87,4 87,4 87,2 81.5 86.1 85.9 85,7 84,1 bng 65 2 6 bng 58 53 bng 64 5J bng 65 1 5: bng 65 2 5j bng 65 5} bng 58 5} bng 64 5j bng 65 51 bng 58 5 bng 64 1 5 bng 64 2 5 bng 58 4} bng58/59 4 j 79.5 bng 59 2 4J 78 ong59 1-34} 82 87.2 - I 86.3 86.1 85,7 84.2 1 87,6 87,7 83,1 83 83.3 83,3 82,65 82,7 82.5 82.6 82,1 81 82.3 81,3 I 79.8 1 82.3 bng 60 4 82.50 82 60 bng60 3 5 4 i 81.70 81 80 bng62 1 3 4j 76.90 76.90 bng62/3 4i 75.70 75.70 bng52 1 41 74.50 bng52 1 3 4i 84.80 85.10 bng52wn4j 91.50 91.70 bng56 4l 80.40 80.60 bng60 4l 79.95 79.95 bng81 41 00 20 80 30 bng63 1 4j 73.80 73-90 bng63 2-3 41 72.90 73 bng61 4 75.90 75.80 85.90 70 71 bng47 3} bng54 1 3} bng54/5 31 bng55 2 3} 63.60 bng56 3} 79.20 bng54 1 31 67 bng54 2 3 3l 71 bng54 4 3l 68 bng55 3l 75 MIJNBOUW EN PETR. 63/4 6 70 51 70 51 bengkalls boeton domaniale dordtp.ct 864 dordtp.prct 862 gaboes 5 maxwell 2.90 3.20 3.1b 50 70 i42M/is moeara 70 142'Vk moeara ct 154.40 90 2300 1099 1110b 250 ENIGDE «lust il crp h.pow ichem rands roadc an. y8t.a. /an ika ome etal otors hotoc nelt ;b| nelt 10 and l.t.1 ta4i.t 10 .h.l Jl.h 10 STATEN 44.5 45 8.4 8.55 22 21.25 26.25 27.5 23.5 24.3 24.1 24 46 45 35 36 41 25.5 25 34 34* 35.5 35.5 72.75 71 33 34 6.2 6.6 11.45 11.4 27.4 27.9 27.75 27.75 31 51.25 51.90 50.50 52.25 51 90 50.50 19.30 19.30 31 30.75 20 60 20.50 24 25 25 21 22.60 24.10 25.40 23 23.75 69 50 68.70 10 13 11 10.50 9.30 9.75 27.25 26.75 22 60 22.40 15.5 15* 1 1.5 45.45 „.Jughs 113.5 113.75 163 5 63 corp 18.5 185 lurn 6.25 T ».oh t 52 nilw 7 m.5pr 8 >nda I gas osteel id oil itop rlchf hlo.r hlo4pr clg iterc xcro Bhem 5 igton 27.5 23.8 35.6 71 34.1 6.6 50.5 505 19.3 30.75 20.6 25 975 27 113.5 63 chrysler 23.8 29.6§ cltle8serv1 45.3 citlesservlO 45.65 45.3 Colgate 47.75 490 colt.lnd. 52 52 columb.gas 36.1 35.8 common.ed 37.75 39 25 consol.edls cons.n.gas contlnent.c cont.motors cont.oil cont.teleph. epe int. curt.wright curt.wr.cla dart del monta dow.onen. dupont1 dupont 10 eastern.airl ea3t.kodak elpaso.n.g. el.peso 10 eguitable ga fed.pac.el floridapow fluor crp ford mot.1 ford mot 10 fruehauf gen.a.trans gen.cable gen.clgar gen.electr gen.loods gen.motors gen.publ.ut gen tel.el getty oil glllette gimbel b' goodyear grace greatnorth 25.90 26.40 28.60 29 57 17.50 31 30.80 26.50 26.50 54.90 55.50 34.50 34.25 11 11.x 25 35.50 36 2500 25.80 76 75.20 129 133 129 132 16.50 16 25 77.45 77.25 18.10 18.60 19 31.75 32.50 8.20 8 30 13 15 74.50 72.50 55.50 55 24.1 24.3 51.6 55.1 46.5 55.6 32.25 32.25 43.5 43.2 21.75 21.5 30 31.25 91.7 93.75 90.4 90.3 80.2 80.5* 22 24 31.5 31.5 69.75 69.5 48.25 48.5 37 38 31.5 32.85§ 29.5 30.15 33 45.3 49.75 35.8 26.5 31 26.5 25.8 75.2 132 77.5 19 32.5 8.3 24.45 55.1 55.6 32 25 31.5 93.75 90.3 81b 31.5 greyhound gulf oil heller insilco int.bus.m. int.harvest int.paper Joneslaugh kansas pow kennecott kraftco kroger lanvin-ch leasco data lehigh coal libby ling-t 2 ling-t 10 ling-t cpr litton ind lockheed lone marshall.fld martin.mar mcdonnell merek minnesota mobll oil mon8anto montgward nat.blecult nat.can. nat.dlstill nat.fuel.gas nat.gyps nat-lead nat.steel nattea niag.moh. norfolk.w.r. n.em.phil. 15.1 16.5 31 32.6 24.2 24.8 24.8 41 40.75 40.75 27.5 29.25 16.50 17.25 33 50 330 66.60 66.75 66.75 27.25 27.50 27.5 35.75 35.75 35.75 52.70 52.70 52.6 11 10.75 10.75 25 37.50 39 35 41 43b 33.20 39 39 42 43,25 43.15 16.25 16.50* 16.5 3 3.10 3.1 6.50 6.80 6.8 10 10.50 11.60 18 18.50 22.50 22.30 22.2 10.15 9.60 28 28 28 76 27 27.25 18.20 18.50 33.20 32.80 32 8 20.50 22 22 20.65 20.75 98.25 99.50 99.5 99.80 00.20 100.5 58.25 59 34 34 34 59 75 60 40 53.50 53.50 24.70 25.50 40 40.90 16.80 17.25 22.50 24.50 2435 24.35 19.25 19 «- 42 42.25 11.70 11.70 i— 14.50 1550 66 25 24.50 70 2304 Id.oprb 70/2304 id.l/lOop r 70 3580 70 246 id.lwbw 3900 3900 70 246 id-iwbw 3890 3950 70 49.2 ld.1/20 4wb 750 768 sarakreek 10 SCHEEPVAART 89 29 hlllegersb. 295 9 92 89 8 houtvaart 175 89 11 oostzee 07.50 112 89 9 wijklijn 260 13 zeeland 160 165 10 zeevaartmij 108 110 154.4 2300x 1110b 3900b 3950x 768 93 112 165* 110b Niet-act. obligaties staatsleningen nederl. 69/94 100 8 102 101.30 70/851 100 8 100.50 101 70/85 2 1008101.50102 70/85 3 100 8 10000 101b 69/76100 8 101.90101.70 70/77 100 8 101.90 101 70/78 100 7J 100 100.50 97.40 98.50 92.80 92.70 92 92 8700 87.70 87.60 87.40 87.60 87.40 88.80 88.30 83.20 83 84 84.30 82 81.20 76.30 76.30 nrtham.rock north.lllln.g north.pac occidental olin.math pac.gas pac.llght penn.centr. peoples.gas pepslco phelp dodge phill.morrls phill.petrol polaroid proc.gambl 1 pub.serv.el quaker oats rca corp repub.steel revere coppj reynolds schaefer sears.roeb shell oil south.nat-g south.pac south.pac10 south.rail 8outh.rail10 sperry.rand stand.brlO st.n.jer84 8t.n.jer8l0 sterling.dr stud.worth st-worth cpr sun oil sun.olllO swift tandy corp texaco texaa-inatr. texa9-utll toledo ed transam crp ual inc. 19.25 19.30 34 34 30.50 32 20.50 20.10 18.30 18.05 33.75 33.80 25 25.50 6.25 6 36 53 60 55.25 39.50 41.20 52.40 52 28.75 27 80 77.50 77.80 18.50118 28.50 29.50 48.85 49.75 27.50 28 29.10 23.50 25 19.50b 57 55.50 29 29 75.50 75 30 43.50 47 25 25 26.70 58 26.50 34.75 36.25d 63 63 27 25 2690 49 48.75 49 30 *9 54.75 53 50a 71 72 73.20 41.80 42 53.50 55.90 40 45 47 37.75 39.50 30.50 30.50 49.95 52.50b 36.20 35.50 82 81* 63.25 62.50 34 34.50 1700 17 22.25 22.50 19.5 34 32 20 18.05 34 25.5 6.5b 55.25 41 2 52 79.8 118 30 49.75 28 28.5 47.25 26 6 36.25 260 49 47 39.5 union carb union el union pac uniroyal unit.aircr unit brands unlt.8tee' unit.8t.1G wam.lamb, west.banc westun.crp westingh. woolworth wrlgley CANADA alcan al asbestos bell tel.can can south r can-brew can.pac can.pac4pr comlnco cons.bath dom.steel.c domtar gulf oil can gunnar hlram.walk hunter dIO hunter d100 husky oil imp-oil ind.accept inl.nat.gas Int.nickel inv.prop l.o-s.10 i.O.9.50 i.0.8.100 macmillan 39.50 395 20.10 47.20 47.2 23.25 23.25 34.25 16.40b 32.10 32.1 71 39 39 41.75 41.75 67.80 67.8 36.60 36 6 39 20 47.50 22.25 34 16.20 31.50 32 50 71.50 39.25 41.25 69 36.50 100.50 24.30 33 30 48.50 40 7 7 7.1 72.90 73 hyp.banken buitenl. 78.40 79 75 75.1 westl.v4} westl-j4l wstl-u70-2 7j 100.60100. wstl-u70 8j 100 100 76.70 76.50jblauwh. 1 75.30 75.20 blauwh. 6< 65.40 65.40 jblauwh. 5- 65.40 65.40;blagwh. 4; 82 83 85 23.50 23.5 3200 48.50b 73.30 50 24 11.75 24 50 12 12 9 14.50 20 50 1.40 43 50 9.50 9.50 15 21.25 1830 1060 48.40 28.2 4 5.45 1.3 1.3 1.3 26.5 16* 21 1.50 44 9.50 9.50 15 40 1 5.5 20 60 20.6 19.50 10.80 48 60 48.6 28 4 1 5.25 1.3 1.25 1.25 27 1.3 1.25 1.25 ma8seyferg 10.75 11.25 11.25 peruvlnv peruv50 shell. can2 shell can10 steep.rock 0.6 10 34 6 34.75 34.85 35 3.2 3.2 f 100 7} 66 1 100 7 ƒ1007 1 100 68 3 100 6i 68 4 100 6] 68 1061 64 1 100 5J 58 100 4} 59 100 41 60 100 41 61 ƒ100 41 62 100 4 47 100 3} 47 500 3} 37 100 3 37 500 3 47 $100 3 89 nederl. antillen ned.ant.67 6} 87 87 ned.ant.60 5 77.80 77.50 ned.ant.59 4} 90.50 91.2b ned.ant.62 4} 81.80 81.50 prov. en gemeenten a'dam63 4l 78.50 80 a'dam53 4 81.50 80.50 a'dam47g 3} 89.50 89 a'dam48g 3} 88.25 88 arnh.51a10 100.30100.10 elndh63 4 70 72 50 s-grav53 4 l 74.50 73.7 r'dam65 5] 85.75 86.75' r'dam52 2 4j 81.50 82.5 '"dam37 4 3} 73.50 73.3 'dam38 1 3} 89 88 ^utphen 4 76 80 hyp.banken nederl. nw.pac. b 6} nw.pac. a 5j nw.pao. 1 5 nw.pac 1 3} nw.pac. 2 5 pac 2 3} 90x 90 72b 91b 72b 91b handel, Ind. en dlv. 5 92.50 93b batenb. 4} blyd.w.63 5 75 blyd.w.54 4 ,76 blyd.w.55 5j 73 brero.vg69 8 93.71 brerovb66 7} 95 brerovb 5 89.51 br.petr.66 7} 96.4) br.petr.65 6 91.11 6 100 coop.ned 7 coop.sp 59 c.m.c.66 7} c.67 61 c.64 5 pakhoed8l 102.80103.1 pakhoed 7 90 90 peek&cl 7} 93 93.5b phil.51$g 4 81 81b phil 48 3} 95 95.05 pegem 57 6 87.50 87.6 pegem58 5} 82.50 84.5 pegem 58 5 81 81 pegem 52 4} 96.50 97.5 oegu8 57 6 96.60 96 6 p.q.e.m.57 6 89.50 89.1 p.g.e.m.59 4} 85 85x o.q.e.m.62 4 76 76b on.braböl 4} 96.80 96 5b reinev7} 84.20 84.2b rtd-r.pijpl 6} 87 87.5 rtd-r.pljpl 5j 93.50 940 rtd-r.pijpl 4j 86 85.5 rijn.sch7y8 85 85 sep. 70 8 97.50 98 schiphol 6 82.70 83.5 §ch.hon65 5} 89.20 89 sch.hon.4j 93 50 93.5b 3ch.hon.6l 4 96 94 3ch.hon.63 4- 86.70 87b shv 8j 101.40101.7 9p.twente4} 84 84b unllever 8 101.70 102.1 unllever 6 88.40 888 spoor en tramwegen ned.sp.70 8} 102.70 103.10 ned.sp.57 a\ 86.60 86 ned.sp.55 3} 91.10 91. Internationale en buitenlandse leningen dr.ov.hout 4 duyvis 4l 101 101 180 181* 97.50 97.50 86 86§ 90 90b 121 120.80 121 121b 81 81b 90 90b 92 92 34.75 35 algem. c 3} alg.kl3j 9met.xy3l rlordt.np3} 8} h 1 8 n6} 15j dv5 fr gr f5 tr gr.xxa4j} fr gr.z4}} fr gr.dm3} nat.k5 nat e3j nat.b3 ned k3 ov.ij8.p3 utr.g7 utr.n63 Jtr.d6} utr.yö utr.w5 utr.u4l utr.84} westl.az7 westl.m6l westl.x6 63 63.5 50 50x 66.50 67.5 67 67 66 66.1 102.40 101 -7 100.25 1 00.9 97.20 97 8 90.70 90.5 88.20 88.2 85 85.3 79.50 80* 79 79 83 83.05 78 78 78.10 78.1 79 79.3' 75 76.5 65 63 80.50 82 82 83b 66.50 66.5 68 68.50 67.50 67.5 67 68 92.70 96.2 89.80 89.8 84 84 2 84 60 84 6 81 81b 78.20 79.5 77 77.5 89 895 88 30 88 3* 84 85 helnek 7 hoogov. 6} indola 5} indola 4} .heybroek 5 88 87.50 kemp.zlnk3} 91.50 91.5b kon.adam5 78 78 kon.n.pap3l 91.70 91.70 k.z.ketj65 6 90.50 90.90 elm.dordt 3} 87.50 87.50 glessen 5 87 8 ver.glas 5 87 87 ver.eff.h.3} 100 lOOx v.mech.69 7% 82.50 82.5 v.mach.58 5 88.50 89* vries-ljz.59 5 84 84 vrlea.IJz.62 5 86 85b vromenp.6 96 96b 76 76b» 87 88b gezondheidszorg enz. 95 95.60 93.70 93.50 97 97b 90.50 91b koudljs4j 3} llnd.Jacob 5 lljm.delft 4l 87 87 98.60 90b 84.50 meelfabr.3} 95 95b 4} 72 73.5 ngu70/77 8} 103.90 1030 ngu70/85 8} 103.60 103.7 n.qas.u.69 7} 95 30 95.8 n.ga8.u.66 7l 96 96.2 n.gas.u.66 6} 91.20 91.1 n.gas u.68 6} 90 90.1 n qas.u.5j 91.50 91 7 n staatsm.6} 86.60 86 7 nyma 4 83 86 eurlnv.68 6j eurlnv.65 5j eurinv.41 Inter.am7 int.bk.68 63 Int.bk 61 4} lnt.bk.62 4} 88b 805 81b 77b 74.50 74 ób int.bk.55 3 92 k.s.g.65 53 86.50 86 4 86 86b aeneas bonifac bonlfat7} 83.50 84.5 bronovo6} 82 82b chr.verpl.z7} 87 86b ch.zlek.nd5 73 72b com.8t. 7} 86 86 coudew.9} 100.90 100.6 cruqulus 5} 76 76 7 82 82b ells.venr. 7} 84 84 eudokia 5 76 50 76.5 eugeria 7 81.50 81.5b hr.looo57 5 76 76b hr.loo38 3} 85 ir.looSI 3} 80 65 i.g.haag3} ip.zk.utr.8' ip.zk.utr.7- ip.zk.utr.7;|} os.zk.v67 7} 84 85b 80b 65b 96 94 86 86b 83.50 83.5* 97 50 98 86.50 86.2 83.5 o8ser-hof7} 85 ucaaadm7} 86 mawoud67 7} 86 mawoud67 7} 84 mawoud68 7l 84 mroepaan7} 86 olvr gh9} 101.5010190} 85.60 87 pchdracht9j 104.50 102 00 :almar5 hof69 7} hof68 7} 'w.arntz 6 74 75 86 86 20 84 83 50 80 80x k.s.g.62 4j k.s-g.61 4} antw.54 3j belglë61 4} belg.petr.r15 belg.sp37 4 brasserle4 cockerlll4 Iuik54 3} petr.flna7} sabena4l sambre.m4 wag.lits4i wag Iits4 denemarken v.saar62 4} engeland allled2br7 fund 1 ctct4 warlctct3} reed.pap5} frankrijk cère4} c.f-petr.5 plpe.line5 85 85 76 76b 85.50 85.7 93 93b 57 58 86 86 72 72 76 76b 104 103.8 82.50 82.5 86.50 86 94 92.S 95 935 82.50 co IS» 6. 84 83.5 81 81b 95 96.5 92.75 9275 35.49 35.1* 90.50 '90.5b 57 h.v.a. ct ngombezi suriname en antillen ant.verffabr. 121 el.mlj.aruba 102 123 102b gevaert 196 solvay 190 un.mln.1/10 125 108 200 127 un.mln.1 1265 1270 denemarken burmelat&w 30 135 141 engeland br.enkalon 410 Imp.chem.i. 200 lank-org. 2660 2660b rlo tinto 400 405 tanganyika 124 430b 205b 125 frankrijk c.fln.paria.b 148 pechlney 111 peugeot 600 95 9 91.20 91.25 8680 87.2 unie v. z.-afrika un.z. afr. 55 4 92.40 92.4 can.pac.£4 36 centr.mj3l ny.centr.4} 20.50 20.2 10.50 11 Aandelen hyp.banken buitenl. 99 cultures amatrub.ct. mlj.n.d.e.m. philips pioneer pye hold rlo tinto shv jsun oil 38.20 40.7 iprolongatie erlcsson zw.luclf. 1360 1250 65 68 unie v. z.-afrika sub.nlgel r2 11 8ub.nlgel r10 57 12 60* komatsu pioneer 5 pioneer 10 pioneer 100 Ga-nyo 10 sanyo 20 sanyo 100 sonny crp 4.05 4.15 19.40 19.30 19 19.30 19.50 19.30 8.80 9.15 8 80 9.15 8.80 9.15 13 13.2 Voorl. genot, fondsen econosto kanegafuchi obligaties 40 9 41.5 9 ball.ned.81 107.90 109.5 d.brouwst.91 101.50102.4 lnt.bk.8l 100.70 100.7 m.roepaan9l 101 101.5b nat.inv.bk8 99.80 99.8 wst.u70 3 8} 100.20 100.3 wstl.u rl70 8} 100 100 claims scrips stockd 1e ned.nlllmlj 6.81 105 6.82 107 50 52 6.80 6 8 260 262 215 220x 51 50.7 7.75 7.90 70 70

Historische Kranten, Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken

Nieuwe Leidsche Courant | 1971 | | pagina 9